This site provides information from the scenes around the world.
No illegal copyrighted content is hosted on this website.
We do not store ANY of your data.
This site does not host or store any illegal contents on its servers.
All this website does is present information that was collected across various sources over the internet and as such,
cannot be held responsible for any content.
As said above, we don't have any copyrighted illegal contents on this website/app. There is no need for an abuse report. Why? Because we don't offer any copyrighted illegal contents on this website.
We get the .nfo's from (an amazing public scene database). After connecting to srrdb, the NFO file is saved on our server and convert it into an image. We're not interested in building a similar NFO database like srrDB, so we just get the NFO on demand
We get some of our info from our friends over at