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Pred: 2024-09-17 13:59 (27d 11m 19s ago)
Type: TV-X264
Files/Size: 24 F/2199.00 MB
Group: BAWLS
Genres: Crime / Drama
#1 TS
Writer(s):Luc Dionne
Rating / Votes:7.4 /16
For the past 30 years, Jean Dumas has been at the helm of Intelco, an investigation firm. Over the years, he has dealt with cases of marital infidelity, fraud by undeclared workers of the Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST), theft of intellectual property, industrial espionage and embezzlement. Jean Dumas has surrounded himself with an entire team to carry out his missions. He also tries to reconcile his personal life with his professional life. He also quickly realizes that he has more enemies than he ever imagined.