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Body Cam S09E01 1080p WEB h264-EDITH


Pred: 2024-09-18 03:08 (26d 9h 44m 7s ago)

Type: TV-X264

Files/Size: 19 F/2606.00 MB

Group: EDITH

Genres: Action / Crime / Drama

#1 TS

#2 RTT

#3 TL

#4 SBS

#5 DC

#6 ME

#7 TD

#8 IPT

#9 SPD

#10 PTM

#11 TBy

#12 XS



Rating / Votes: /



When A 911 Call Comes Into The Local Police Department From A Woman Saying That Someone Has Broken Into Her Home And She Needs Help, One Officer Responds To The Call First. Then, An Detective Responds As Well. But , What They Find Might Be Something That They Can't Handle Anymore. It's Up To The Officer To Figure Majority Out For Himself While The Detective Does Something Unexplainable..